Size Doesn’t Matter

Photos contributed by Rick Grayson

Dear Classmates,

I always thought bigger was better, well at the 50th Reunion, I learned that wasn't true. Remembe driving across Oklahoma and seeing the "Eat the 72 ounces Steak and it was Free" sign ? Now days we see the Golden Corral sign "All you can eat for $6.99. Just because you get a lot doesn't mean it is better.

We had about 40 at the Reunion on Saturday night, out of a class of 144. Using my Milton Phillips geometry skills , that is not a high number. Many classmates decided to stay in Pryor and watch Netflix!  When I saw the low turnout I hadn't been that rejected since  I walked home from Teen Town by myself.  Well maybe  when  I went to the DRIVE  IN on Prom night !  The classmates that thought  watching OU Baseball was a better way to spend Saturday night, boy were they wrong!

When classmates didnt sign up , I took it personal. It hurt, I would be sad . It meant a lot to me, so why doesn't  it matter to them ?  My classmates show me a lesson better  than any lesson from Fred Parks. 

The classmates that showed up, WANTED to be there ! They didnt come just because someone "forced:" them to come. They like me, looked forward to seeing old friends and relieving the memories of a part of our lives that is gone forever.  The group that came, was the best  and looked forward to it and that is what made it so special.

Size doesn't matter, what is in the  people's heart is what is important and on that night, their  hearts were as big as the high diving board at the pool to having a great time ! 

Looking back , I would have  rather  have that small crowd that cared and wanted to be there , than 100 more that didn't want to be  there but felt like since it was the 50th they would show up ,

Lesson Learned- Bet most of my Teachers would be shocked, I learned something! 

Ricky Grayson

See you at the Dairy Queen or Dragging Main !





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