High School
Class of 1972
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Size Doesn’t Matter
May 26 1972
Kindergarten Class
MY Mom Cried on the Program, she was shocked , I made it !
Graduation Program - 1972
1992 Reunion Picture
Dairy Queen 1972
PHS Sr 72 Tiger News !
50th Reunion
Classmates In Oklahoma: 41
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John Barton
John Beaver
Debbie Bishop (Ward)
Debbie Briggs (Tompkins)
Donna Brooner (Moore)
David Channel (Channel)
Tommy Coats
Terry Cox
Carla Curtis (McCutchen)
Jennifer Duncan (Finney)
Patricia Ewert (Swafford)
Chuck Fikes
Michael Finnell
Pat Fowler
Stan Garner
Becky Hamm (Drake)
Lynn Heslar (Lehr)
Debra Hurley (Moseley)
Terri Ince (Ross)
Joyce Jaggars (Dalland)
Jerry Keith
Joe Ketcher
Kathy Kiesel (Kindell)
Clint Kindell
Jo Helen Knight (Cartwright)
Dale Lantz
Kathy Legge (Weaver)
Patty Lipinski (Fikes)
Gary Littlefield
Mark Lyons
Terry Mangum (McPhail)
Sharon McCall (Moyer)
Cindy McFarlin (Boese)
Cinda Mickle (Blackford)
Darrell Moore
Karen Mundis (Walker)
Don Ogden
Sandy Shafer (Troyer)
Jim Stone
Rick Sutter
Laura Sutton (Hall)