High School
Class of 1972
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Size Doesn’t Matter
May 26 1972
Kindergarten Class
MY Mom Cried on the Program, she was shocked , I made it !
Graduation Program - 1972
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Dairy Queen 1972
PHS Sr 72 Tiger News !
50th Reunion
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Jack Adams
Kevin Addington
Michael Ailey
John Alley
Carolyn Sue Aman
Clayton Armstrong
John Barton
John Beaver
Debbie Bishop (Ward)
Linda Joy Black
David Blockcolski
Randy Bowles
Darcus Branch (Vietti)
Jim Brandon
Sid Brandon
Debbie Briggs (Tompkins)
Jim Briggs
Donna Brooner (Moore)
Daniel Cannon
Dusty Carson (Demmer)
Darlene Cartwright
David Channel (Channel)
Vance Chuculate
Tommy Coats
Anita Connor
Roger Coulsten
Terry Coulston
Terry Cox
Mike Culp
Carla Curtis (McCutchen)
John Dailey
David Davidson
Larry Doyle
Randy Drake
Jennifer Duncan (Finney)
Chuck Dunlap
Carolyn Elliott (Crogan)
Melinda Elrod (Cranford)
Patricia Ewert (Swafford)
Robert Ewert
David Fielden
Chuck Fikes
Michael Finnell
Hal Foreman
Lynn Fowler
Pat Fowler
Keith Gable
Tommy Gage
Carol Garner
Stan Garner
Ronnie Gates
Teresa Gibbs
Carolyn Gilley
Rick Grayson
Becky Hamm (Drake)
Cathy Hanceford (Cash)
Barbara Hardy (Jones)
Laura Hawk
Tom Head
Lynn Heslar (Lehr)
Shirley Hixon
Diana Hoffman
Topper Holland
Debra Hurley (Moseley)
Terri Ince (Ross)
Joyce Jaggars (Dalland)
Debby Jones
Tony Jones
Stan Judd
Jerry Keith
Joe Ketcher
Kathy Kiesel (Kindell)
Dale Killian
Clint Kindell
Paulene Kiper (Blockcolski)
David Kirk
Jo Helen Knight (Cartwright)
Cathy Diane Knott
Terry Lane Kolpin
Dale Lantz
Rick Large
Kathy Legge (Weaver)
Mike Lehr
Patty Lipinski (Fikes)
Gary Littlefield
Linda Lundquist (Cowan)
Mark Lyons
Rita Madole (Sevcik)
Tressa Madole (Smith)
Shirlene Maness (Gallaway)
Terry Mangum (McPhail)
Billy Martin
Beth Maslen (Jones)
Dwayne Matthews
Sharon McCall (Moyer)
Mike McCollough
Tom McCormick
Mike McCutchen
Cindy McFarlin (Boese)
Kathy McKean
Darrell McNair
Dewayne Meeks
Cinda Mickle (Blackford)
Marla Miller (Cox)
Jim Montgomery
Darrell Moore
Bob Morris
Shirley Mozingo (Smith)
Karen Mundis (Walker)
Karen Nelson (Robison)
Sharon Nichols (Frank)
Don Ogden
Gary Otto
Bill Patton
Debra Pelts
Bruce Pendelton
Vicki Perry (Hummingbird)
Helen Peters (Sarfatis)
Helen Porter (Workman)
Bob Potter
Robert Powell
Dwight Ramsey
Brenda Rand
Barbara Raus (Summa)
Beverly Richards (Condor)
Janet Robbins (Brown)
Alan Roberts
Wayne Roberts
Anne Schaefer
Anita Scott
Sandy Shafer (Troyer)
Charley Sinor
Tressa Marie Smith
Sherry Snodgrass (Walkabout)
Mike Stephens
Danny Stimson
Jim Stone
Rick Sutter
Rod Sutter
Laura Sutton (Hall)
Debi Thompson (Liccketto)
Eva Vocilka
Kay Watkins
Jill West (McCullah)
Pamela West (Gamboa)
Cathy Whittington (Pierce)
Kathy Wigington (Franklin)
Patti Williams (Craig)
Clyde Willman
Benny Wilson
Rick Wilson
Carol Woodall
Denise Wyse (Knight)
John Yates
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